
Five middle aged, unfit blokes are going to attempt to climb Mont Blanc during the first week of July 2010. The purpose : To raise funds for 2 important Charities: Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) and MacMillan Cancer Support (Addenbrookes)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What ? You don't believe they really made it to the top!!

This isn't like the film Capricorn 1, Here are the pictures of the team at the summit. Oh, and despite having topped £11,000 they would really like to make it a little bit more so if you haven't yet had the chance to sponsor them, or if you feel they deserve a bit more for this magnificent effort now is the time.

Any way on with the piccies:

 Here they are  - the group and guide

Here is  Paul suitably obscuring Richards  face from view, and finally

  Paul and Richard  at  Sunrise, only you  can see Richards  face this  time!

Just when you thought it was safe......

Paul has  finally  finished emptying his dirty sicks and other  unmentionables from his ruck sack.  In amongst all this was a roll of film that he has  got  developed.  The results are really quite  scary - you have  been warned:

Everyone at the top of the Petit Fourche (3520m) -- Paul notes he is holding tightly and hating every minute!

Looking back on hte Aiguille de Tour, Second Peak in the training regime at 3,544m, taken during the descent back down the valley on day 3

and finally  ......
The famous snoring brothers…….ear defenders totally failed on all counts. The Frenchman staying in dormitory was so impressed he videoed the softly sleeping Crossers at one point…..! Please take note of the commitment being shown on all our parts….water only all week (almost!)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Who has been watching

So who  has  been following this expedition?

According to  our  map  people  have logged in from across the  world - see  below for a snapshot of viewers

Agriascent and Europe

Message  just in from the airport - apparently the  Mountain was the simple task, Alastair  has  had to  donate  his  bounty in the  shape of a rather  fine  bottle of Sancerre to the  Geneva  police as  it  didn't meet the requirements  of carrying liquids on a plane   (Me I would  just  have  drunk it, problem solved - Ed).  However did they  manage with a  mountain?

From that we  can take it they are on their way  back.

Now is the  time to remember to Donate  Some  Cash to the  Agriascent Charity  Project!

The Team Debrief

The  debrief looks to  have  been a serious affair - expect  more tails from the team later:

Monday, July 5, 2010

They've done it! Telegram confirms

Alastairs telegram today announces that Paul, Jonny, Richard, and Andrew  were successful in reaching the summit earlier today. As Alastair says  they are  total Legends - Even though they can't  hear us we should give them all a  big cheer, they are  All Legends.

Here is picture  taken this  morning of the  challenge they  faced,  Well done Guys.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Carrier pigeon brings news

Alastair confirms the training a success after three days with beautiful scenery and a few blisters.

Andrew  fleixng his  toes

John and Liz - the instructors who have the unenviable tast of keeping the team under  control

Finally some realaxation with a drink (non alchoholic) as a let down after a 4:00am start.

Biding time

Well that new fangled telephone gadget seems to have given up at the moment. I knew we should have stuck with carrier pigeons. Anyway here is a picture taken of the team just before they set off. Will update once they get closer to civilisation again.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Another telegram - Day 2

They were up early this  morning, I'm the one  holding the news  up.  Anyway here is what they were  up to  this  morning
Abseiling into a  cravasse and noticing the altitude (well you  would if you lived in Cambridgeshire wouldn't  you!)

Richard on the  way  down, assume the  others  followed!

Final report on Day 1

Carrier pigeon arrived late last night from the explorers with  this picture and message as  follows:

"Glacier at end of first  day.  Everyone in good spirits and no reported  blisters....result!!! "

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Adventure begins - Day 1

Another telegram has  arrived.

Day 1. Night  Stop in the distance....Kitted  up and anti-inflammatories consumed.

The  team all booted up:

They're off!

OK -technology is still working, here are Thursdays telegrams sent from Alastair:
"It starts here, Andrew checking with his solicitor that his will is up to date"

 Next one of the team, Paul having discovered his will is in order (and still smiling).

and Jonny pre flight, confident and chilled:

 Richard taking the whole training thing seriously right  until  the last  moment

Final testing of supplies and equipment: